Monday, September 23, 2013

Its my problem

I just think I'm a very not a good decision maker. I just know I always screw things up. Not a very proud attitude...

I have so much problem right now...
I don't know how should I do it...

Sunday, September 22, 2013

I'm lost

I'm not even myself anymore. I couldn't feel what love is. I couldn't feel what love is between a guy and a girl. All it's about reality, sensing the fact is one of the wake up call to grow up in our life.

Negativities kept me from being a normal human feel. I felt I'm like a robot. Just cold and greasy blood through my veins. No heart beat, no pulse rate and certainly there is no more sweet smile and natural laughter.

I'm just too advanced to be perfect. Too advanced that no one can think what I'm thinking and what will be happening next.

I'm totally lost, lost in my own world....

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Always there

No matter what, when I see the Taiwan drama...I just kept thinking about u. The story is just what happened to us. I kept wondered, what is the last episode like.

I'm just so scared and sad. I want u to be happy as well...